Course curriculum

    1. Table of Contents

    2. Welcome

    3. Guidelines

    4. Grieving Together

    5. How Grief Affects Your Brain And What To Do About It

    6. Overcoming Fear

    7. Trust

    8. Sharing Your Story

    9. Tips

    10. Tools

    1. Suffering

    2. What is redemptive suffering?

    3. What is offering it up?

    4. What is the connection?

    1. Non-Death Losses

    2. Adjusting to the new normal - Tips

    3. Self Care Tips

    1. Let's take a closer look.

    2. The statics of divorce in child loss

    3. How can you help?

    4. Practical ways to avoid divorce

    5. Our Vows

    6. A Glimpse of Heaven

    1. The Plan

    2. Words that build and trust in a marriage!

    3. Resources

    1. Welcome

    2. Questions to Consider

    3. Learning Pillars

    4. What are the different types of baby/child loss?

    5. Loss and Mental Health

    6. Pregnancy After Loss (PAL)

    7. Focus Groups

    8. Trauma and Triggers

    9. Supporting the Couple

    10. Mental Health in Pregnancy After Loss

    11. References

About this course

  • Free
  • 47 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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